015 - My Top 17 Records of 2011

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I know my 2010 list was a mere few posts ago. So I don't post regularly. And what?

  1. Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  2. Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
  3. Death Cab For Cutie - Codes And Keys
  4. Blink 182 - Neighborhoods
  5. Bon Iver - Bon Iver
  6. Thrice - Major/Minor
  7. Foster The People - Torches
  8. Little Comets - In Search Of Elusive Little Comets
  9. Mute Math - Odd Soul
  10. Bombay Bicycle Club - A Different Kind Of Fix
  11. Blindside - With Shivering Hearts We Wait
  12. Ryan Adams - Ashes & Fire
  13. Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math
  14. Switchfoot - Vice Verses
  15. Childish Gambino - Camp
  16. Bright Eyes - The People's Key
  17. Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

And a special mention goes to the self-titled record from The Gabe Dixon Band which, whilst released way back in 2008, has received constant attention from my iTunes library.